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Jul 29, 2009

Suzuki focus on hybrid, EV development includes continued GM collaboration

Suzuki Motors, which makes fuel-efficient small cars but is desperately in need of a hybrid or other advanced technology car to help it break out of the niche-car mold, reportedly is focusing its R&D dollars and efforts on alternatively fueled vehicles now.

The company has restructured its research and development division with one unit working on electric vehicles, another on hybrids in collaboration with longtime partner General Motors Corp., and a third on Suzuki-developed hybrids and conventional gasoline engines.

Analysts at IHS Global Insight said that Suzuki has just $1.1 billion to spend on R&D (we're sounding like Congress - just $1.1 billion) in the '09-10 fiscal year and might not be able to keep up the three-pronged approach for very long.

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